Tuning in to Kids is a 6-week Emotionally Intelligent Parenting Program hosted by SDN Children's Therapies. The program has been tailored for parents of children with a diagnosed disability and/or developmental delay, aged 3-10 years. Over the course of this program, you will learn to:

  • Support your child to recognise and regulate their emotions, whilst becoming more aware of your own emotions
  • Be better at understanding and responding to your child's emotions
  • Build a deeper emotional connection between you and your child

Fund using your NDIS plan

If you have an NDIS plan, you can use this to fund the cost of the program under Improved Daily Living (CB Daily Activity) - other funding types can't be used.

Tailored to support your family's unique needs

Our program is adapted for families with a child with a diagnosed disability, autism and/or developmental delay, including children who are non-speaking or have limited verbal communication.

Connect with other families and share your experiences

By attending our program, you'll have the opportunity to meet and connect with other families who may share similar experiences.

Hosted by our Senior Family Resource Worker

All 6-weekly sessions and courses of the program are hosted by our qualified and experienced Senior Family Resource Worker, Laura.

Get practical tips and resources

We'll provide you with practical tips to apply at home with your child and resources you'll be able to refer to after the program ends.

Available online via zoom

See our upcoming courses for the year, available online via Zoom so you can attend from wherever you are.

Register now for any of our upcoming sessions

Tuning in to Kids - Starts 31 July - ONLINE

Every Wednesday evening 6PM to 8PM, 31 July to 4 September 2024.

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Tuning in to Kids - Starts 16 August - ONLINE

Every Friday from 12PM to 2PM, 16 August to 20 September 2024

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Tuning in to Kids - Starts 24 October - ONLINE

Every Thursday evening from 6PM to 8PM, 24 October to 28 November 2024

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Tuning in to Kids - Starts 30 October - ONLINE

Every Wednesday from 12PM to 2PM, 30 October to 4 December 2024

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See what families say about the program


"We were able to establish and build a stronger connection with our 5-year-old son. It resulted in shorter outbursts, less tantrums and more cooperation."


"I found the practical scripts and examples of how to implement very useful and the opportunity to discuss and reflect our weekly progress within the group."


"I learnt new approaches that I wasn’t aware of. I also got to hear other parents' difficulties which were similar and not feel so alone."

Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Tuning in to Kids worthwhile?
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Tuning in to Kids is an evidence-based emotion coaching group program developed by a team at the University of Melbourne. It focuses on developing parents’ and carers’ abilities to understand and manage their and their children’s emotions. In turn this leads to healthier relationships and increased emotional intelligence in children.

What makes SDN’s Tuning in to Kids groups different to other providers?
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The Tuning in to Kids groups run though SDN Children’s Therapies are specifically catered for parents and carers of children with a diagnosed disability or developmental delay. Whilst the content of the group is still based on that of the traditional Tuning in to Kids program, the groups allow a safe space for parents and carers to share their experiences with other families facing similar challenges. Discussion is focused on ways that content is adapted and can be more relevant to each family's individual situation.

Who is the program for?
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The program is designed for parents and carers of children aged approximately 3 to 10 years. Other key people in children’s lives such as grandparents are also welcome to attend.

Who runs the program?
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The program is run by SDN Children's Therapies Senior Family Resource Worker, Laura.

Laura has over ten years’ experience working in the early intervention, out-of-home care and disability sectors. She is a qualified Social Worker and a trained facilitator of Tuning in to Kids and Circle of Security Parenting courses.

She regularly collaborates with parents to help them understand and support their child’s emotional needs and promote overall family wellbeing.

Here's what one of our families had to say about Laura:

"Laura was absolutely amazing at delivering this course in such an engaging way at that made it very easy for us to learn and implement at home. She gave us plenty of opportunities for open discussion amongst the group and that made the experience a lot more intimate and enjoyable sharing our experiences and difficulties with one another. She was also a very great listener and was able to provide helpful advice on challenges we faced with our kids."

How much does the program cost?
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The total cost for this program is $850.44. NDIS funding can be used, under Improved Daily Living (CB Daily Activity) - other funding types can't be used.

Please note: A full 6-week commitment is required by participants to get a certificate of participation at the end of the course.

Is this course suitable for my child who is non-speaking?
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Many parents who have attended previous groups have had a child who is non-speaking or has limited verbal communication. Often there can be a concern that the content and strategies discussed in the groups won’t be suitable for their child. However, whilst there is core content it can be adapted to suit the needs of your child and family. For children who are non-speaking they are still children first, so there is still value in acknowledging and labelling their emotions, modelling communication, setting clear boundaries and supporting them through their meltdowns.

"Non-speaking doesn't mean I have no ideas or no way to communicate them. Non-speaking doesn't mean I can't learn to read or write like everyone else. But I can't if you don't teach me how. And calling me nonverbal is like saying I can't learn to read and write." - DJ Savarese

Why does the program run for six weeks?
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The program is designed to be run over a minimum of six weeks to ensure all core content is covered. As this is a group-based program the sessions involve a mix of information sharing, discussion, videos, role plays and other activities. Please note that this is not a counselling group so if you’re seeking further support, we’ll provide you with information on other relevant services.

How is the program structured?
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Every week we'll focus on a different area of emotional intelligence. Sessions will be a mixture of information sharing, reflection and activities to do as a group and at home with your child:

  • Week 1: Setting out - how to raise emotionally intelligent children
  • Week 2: Naming the emotion
  • Week 3: Understanding your child's emotional experience
  • Week 4: Self care, proble solving and coaching fears and worries
  • Week 5: Emotion coaching your child's anger
  • Week 6: Emotionally intelligent parenting - now and in the future
What resources are provided?
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Each participant receives a pack including:

  • Booklet with all handouts and activities
  • Emotion coaching visuals
  • Stickers
  • Certificate upon completion of the course
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