Toilet paper roll crafts – creative creatures

Toilet paper roll crafts – creative creatures


Introduce concepts of sustainability and recycling to children while making creative creatures from toilet paper rolls at home! Get your child’s creative juices flowing by creating a creature of their liking!

Skills and benefits:

  • Fine motor skills
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Concept of sustainability
  • Imagination and creativity
  • Sensory exploration
What you’ll need:

  • Toilet paper rolls (collect and save a few so you can create a few different creatures!)
  • Scissors, glue and/or sticky tape
  • Paintbrushes, paint and coloured textas
  • Any other desired craft items such as googly eyes, pipe cleaners, feathers, glitter, coloured paper, beads, string etc.
What to do:

  1. Decide what creative creature you want to create-for example an owl or a mouse.

  2. Paint your toilet paper rolls to your desired colour using a paintbrush, then set aside for at least 30 minutes to dry.

  3. Use scissors to cut out a nose or mouth (if not painting, drawing or adding on) – with adult assistance if needed.

  4. Add on your other bits with textas, paper, googly eyes, pipe cleaners etc. as needed and set down with glue, allow to dry.


  • Listen and allow your child to decide what creature they’d like to make based on their interests, or encourage them to use their imagination and make one up!
  • Optional: add a string to the top when finished to hang up as a decoration.
  • Talk to them about reusing toilet paper rolls and what this means for the environment, and ask how else they could reuse it.
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