39 These outcomes focus on staff: providing an excellent experience for those who access our services; having the supports they need to work flexibly, efficiently and safely; being aligned, engaged and accountable; and having opportunities to engage in discussion about organisational, political, legislative or social policy issues and decisions that may affect them. We have undertaken a range of initiatives to achieve these outcomes, and continue to invest in, develop, train and work collaboratively with our staff as we know they are the key to the successful delivery of our integrated services for children and families. SDN has a diverse, qualified and experienced workforce. As at 29 June 2018 we employed 640 staff. SDN is a people organisation where 72% of revenue is spent on people. As a result, considerable investment and effort has been put into developing leadership skills within SDN over the past two years. SDN has invested time, resources and funds to ensure SDN has skilled staff and quality leaders which has contributed to positive staff retention. female 95% male 5% direct service delivery shared services 89 % 11% Proportion of staff in services and shared services Proportion of male and female staff